I think you look pretty today

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I mean he likes wienners silly!

For any toms who is nervous about intense stuff like lipstick, eyeliner, or eyebrows, you need to just chill out. Nobody says you have to draw the whole line at once! It's okay to mess up, you CAN erase and try again. Dust yoself, it really is nothing...you dont have to wear the same makeup everyday, and you don't have to be a diva to try something new on yourself. I DARE YOU TO CHANGE THE COLOR OF YOUR EYEBROWS JUST THIS ONCE!

--- don't use liquid eyeliner if you aren't used to putting it on every single* morning. That shit DOES show if you can't do it in one try...even if you think I can't see your messups I can!!! MY EYEBALS AREN'T EVEN REALLY THAT BIG

---Your pencil doesn't have to be sharp. Seriously. It actually works much better and is more believable if you never sharpen your shit...the only time this doesn't fly is with lip linin'

---color outside the lines. You can do that, it's fine really. This is how average looking people become pretty, it's called a fake. You fake that your eye is bigger or longer or that your eyebrows are big or small or arched or round or that your lips are thick OR that they are thin or even the size of your cheekbones OR concave hollows of the face. If you want one there, you can put one there.

---Want to lookERASE A DOUBLE CHIN??? Use your blush brush, coat it with some tan or a light brown, and dust along the edge of your chin from ear to ear. WALA

---Want to ease som' nasty pimple zit redness before a hot dait? Whip out ya'lls visine and dibble dabble.

--- Wondrin' bout those brows? Were we meant to be? Use an either nude or brown liner to color your hairs. The color doesn't matter so much as we aren't DONE YET. Now, choose from an array of natural colored shadows, and dip your pinky-sized brush up in that. Dust them hairs. The powerder will stick to the consistency of the liner. If you want your eyes to be further apart here you can also use a slightly lighter shade at the beginning of your brows to widen the face. WOW YOU LOOK GREAT! or, THIS COLOR IS WEIRD LETS TRY ANOTHER ONE!

---Need to knab those sultry egyptian shaped eyes? Ever pulled your eyeskin around until you thought you looked prettier in the third grade? Well JEEZ Don't follow your lower line exactly. Let it come away from your eyeball a little near the outside and fill any in between skin with white. Drag the inner corners of your lower eyeball out a little till you approve. This can actually be subtle depsite my exaggerated instructions, and the outer corner trick can also be used to get those far out marvy fatty eyeballs, or the natural sexy 70s doe-balls(use a lighter brown for that one, duh.)

---Tried it and it's not for me? WRONG. Bet you haven't hardly tried the half of it. You are never allowed to say "Lipstick looks gay on me" or "Blush is stupid." You are a narrowminded dick if you say that cuz you DIDNTCOLOROUTSIDETHELINES. You dont have to want to wear makeup in a spot of course, but you are NOT allowed to rule out a medium just because you tried it that one time and it looked like shit. You probly just did it wrong, TRY AGAIN.

Shit, anyone can be good at anything if they just try the fuck again. I am good because I try the fuck all the time. I been trying the fuck out of shit for like eleven fucking years now. I did it cuz I wanted to learn how to trick you into thinking I look good, I wanted to be able to manipulate my presentation to the world at any moment, I wanted to feel confident that I look a part when I need to. And I do and I can. When you are at a networking meeting don't you want to feel like youre well recieved visually in addition to everything else? Dont you want that job at the super stylish store or the maternity boutique? DONT YOU WANT TO LOOK RICH WHEN UR SHOPPING AT THE MACY'S? SEXY WHEN UR AT THE CLUB?
There is a face for every place. SPACE IS THE FACE!


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